Family Radio CHRI

Pics from All Sons & Daughters

allsandd13_thmbCheck out photos from the powerful worship evening Tuesday night at Cedarview Alliance Church, featuring Ben Cantelon, a message from Bruxy Cavey, and All Sons & Daughters.


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Photos from Maple Noise 2013

maplenoise13_thmb1Check out pics from Saturday night's concert at Community Pentecostal Church, featuring Canadian bands Sky Terminal, Dan Bremnes, Tim Neufeld & The Glory Boys, and U.S. Dove-Award winning headliner Audio Adrenaline!



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Ottawa Civic Prayer Breakfast - Fri. Nov. 1, 2013

ott_civic_prayer_bOn Friday, November 1st Ottawa will celebrate its 4th Annual Civic Prayer Breakfast.  Believers from all denominations and backgrounds, will pray for our city, our police, firefighters, paramedics and our elected officials.  Featuring guest speaker DaveToycen, President and CEO of WorldVision Canada.

Tickets are available online here.

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Summer Splash 2013 - PHOTOS


Thank you for braving the rainy weather to be with us on Saturday for our Listener Appreciation Day. You have 'Blessed the Valley' with more than 600 food items and over $400 cash, going to the Cobden and District Food Bank.
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CHRI Summer Letter to Listeners

kidheadphonesIt's not too late to give to CHRI's summer fundraising campaign! Click here to read a letter from CHRI (PDF) and find out what keeps radio constant, even in a world where new media is always revealing itself!
(To request a copy of the letter or for questions about CHRI's charitable status, please e-mail

You can mail your gift with the tear off attached to your letter (if you received it by mail) or click here for giving options. You gift is tax-receiptable. Thank you if you have already made a donation!

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"The music played this morning and the timing in which it played was perfect. You [Brock] are an absolute joy to listen to (& hilarious) which is why we are so blessed blaring the station through the house, in the car & at work (all the time)." - John

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