Family Radio CHRI

Brock and Dan Compete to See Who Can Guess the Most Shoebox Gift Items

Packing a shoebox for a child should be fun! Get your kids involved, do it as a small group, make it in to a packing party or an event! 
National Collection Week is November 15th - 21st, 2022. Learn more about Operation Christmas Child here.


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Marking the 100th Anniversary of the Remembrance Poppy in Canada


2021 marks the 100th anniversary of the Remembrance Poppy in Canada. The Poppy was first introduced by Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae, a Canadian Medical Officer during the First World War, when he penned his now infamous poem, "In Flanders Fields," the day after a fellow soldier died. 

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below....

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CHRI Podcast Ranks #1

JFFTopRankedPodcast 330CHRI's "Jewish Faith & Facts" Podcast, hosted by Rabbi Steven Garten, has been ranked #1 on the Best 4 Canadian Jews Podcasts (ranked by traffic rank, social media followers, domain authority & freshness). The program also airs on CHRI Radio Sunday mornings at 6:30am. Listen to past episodes here.

Rabbi Emeritus of Temple Israel, Steven Garten will explore aspects of the Jewish religion, people, and holidays, and give insight on the ancient scriptures from a Jewish perspective.

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Conversation Starters with God

YouVersionPrayer 330Talking to God doesn’t always feel easy. We can get caught up in the busyness and challenges of everyday life and then we spend the little spare time we do have on social media or watching TV.
“Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.” (James 4:8)
Spending time with God will truly make a difference in your life, so how do you start the conversation? Here are some tips from YouVersion...

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Did William Shatner Have A Spiritual Experience in Space?

williamshatnerMinutes after returning to earth from his spaceflight, Canadian actor William Shatner shared how the experience impacted him. Did God reveal Himself to Shatner in those 10 minutes? Care discusses what she has come to believe about Shatner's words and experience on the Home Stretch.

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Four Ways to Make the Most of Your Season

seasonschangingGod designed life to run in beautiful seasons and cycles. If you're feeling like your harvest hasn't come, read Psalm 1:1-3 (NIV) and take a deep, releasing breath because it will happen, in the RIGHT season. Here are Four Ways To Make The Most of Your Season, by author/blogger Sarah Markley.

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5 Ways to Celebrate and Appreciate your Pastor

pastorapp2020 330Pastor Appreciation Month (originally called Clergy Appreciation Month) was established in 1992 by a group of pastors and church leaders to honor those who serve in ministry. They grounded the celebration in Paul’s words to Timothy: “The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work at preaching and teaching” (1 Tim. 5:17)

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No Health Without Mental Health

mentalhealth cco 330The Canadian Mental Health Association says that by the age of forty, 50% of Canadians will have, or have had, a mental illness. What can you do?

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Federal Election 2021

How To Respond During An ElectionI [Care Baldwin] am not the type of person to be consumed by political news or engage in political debates but I do believe that as a follower of Jesus, I should speak up on moral issues. However, it is so easy to get caught up in the disunity and division (especially on social media) and the fear that surrounds election time.

Canada is approaching a day at the polls on September 20th, 2021 and the pandemic year we've all had (already full of fear and incertainty), makes this Federal Election may even more challenging and confusing. Here are a few ways I have learned to respond during an election as I try and be educated as excercise my democratic right to vote...

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Before They Go to School... Have This Conversation

b2s predecideAs kids are headed back to school, my hearts go out to them. Life for them is full of possibilities, dreams and a bright future, yet they are young. In the midst of wanting to experience school to the fullest and make the most of every opportunity to grow, try, succeed, fail, and live, it's easy to be pulled in one direction and another. As a new Christian in early high school, I had to decide whether or not I would go to a party or hang out with a certain crowd. It was easy to get caught up in friend "drama" and difficult to speak out my faith. [...]

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