Family Radio CHRI

Paws & Tales Halloween Alternative

paws_talesBefore you know it, October 31 will be here and you'll have to decide what to do for Halloween. Will you attend a harvest festival with your family? Will you pass out candy? Or will you do something completely different?  To help with your decision Insight for Living Canada is pleased to offer a candy alternative to those hoping to pass out a lot of loot... but not a lot of cavities.

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Sunday Morning

A healthy reminder that things are not always as they seem.  Isn't this what we so often do?  We compare ourselves to everyone else but so often we are only seeing people when they are at their best.  At church, on Facebook, at school.   No one has it all together.


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Gospel For Asia

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Work as Worship

How do you feel about Monday mornings?
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Bluesfest 2012

rbc_bluesfest2012_smWho are YOU most excited to see at Bluesfest this year??

I love that we have an opportunity to shine God's light in the second largest Blues music festival in North America! We have a full stage dedicated to Christian music and all the bands this year are amazing! Like every year, we'll have people wander over from other stages wondering where the great music is coming from.

So are you most excited for one particular artists on The Black Sheep Stage on Saturday, July 7th?

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Summer Kick-Off

waupoos_smallThis past Saturday I attended the Waupoos Family Farm Summer Kick-Off and what a blast! Of the many things to do there were the cutest little ducks, baby turkeys, kittens, and rabbits. Sundance Ranch provided rides for the kids on their pony "Merry Legs" who obliged everyone with her gentleness and patience.
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Happy Father's Day!

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Global Day of Prayer: Sunday, May 27th, 2012

global-day-of-prayer_2012Facing a world in crisis, the Global Day of Prayer is an opportunity to encourage your congregation to pray for people around the globe. The GDOP movement gathers Christians around the world to seek God for His Kingdom and Christ's transforming life throughout the earth.  On this day we are all praying with the world as we pray for the world.
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Justice Summit Recap

justice_summit_poster"Being Willing" was what the speakers at the Justice Summit spoke about. They each explained their story of getting involved in the fight against human trafficking, of not being exceptional but being willing to do what needs to be done. That was the challenge for each of the 400 attendees at the Summit & for each person they go and share the day's events with – are you willing to stop talking about statistic and start changing them?

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Uruguay OCC Update - Final Note

uruguay_final_015I could go on and on about Uruguay, about Samaritan's Purse and the impact Operation Christmas Child is having there and around the world. These few photos taken on my cell phone don't do the experience justice but I attach them to share a glimpse of the journey...



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