Family Radio CHRI

Jewish Faith & Jewish Facts

jewishfaithandfacts 660










Each week on "Jewish Faith & Jewish Facts", Rabbi Emeritus of Temple Israel, Steven Garten, will explore aspects of the Jewish religion, people, and holidays, and give insight on the ancient scriptures from a Jewish perspective.

Email Rabbi Garten:

Listen to past episodes, below. 

11-20-16 - guest Dr. Mort Bercovitch - The Story of Jonah {encore}


11-23-16 - guest Dr. Mort Bercovitch - The Story of the Binding of Isaac {encore}


11-06-16 - Blessings

10-30-16 - Prophets

10-23-16 - Home Land

10-16-16 - guest Dr. Mort Bercovitch - The Story of Jonah {encore}


10-09-16 - Yom Kippur

10-02-16 - Rosh Hashanah

09-25-16 - Before Rosh Hashannah Pt. 2

09-18-16 - Before Rosh Hashannah Pt. 1

09-11-16 - Symbols

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