Family Radio CHRI

CHRI 21 Years Old This Week

chri 18 anniversary 330We're showing our age if we remember turning 21 years old was a major milestone that signalled “coming of age”, old enough to accept responsibility for ourselves.
Today, regardless of age we're asked to make decisions daily that will impact our lives forever.
We can't turn the clock back, we can't take away the plethora of options that we now take for granted, but we can ensure that in that mix there are choices that will hurt no one and could help many...


That's the way we see CHRI; a choice that anyone can make at any time that always presents one kind of love and a peace that surpasses all understanding.

This week we ask you to choose to give generously to CHRI so that we can continue to provide this service to you and so many others.
As we approach Easter, we celebrate the day our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ chose you and I: freely, unconditionally, and forever!

Please listen in Wednesday and Thursday as we tell about the lives changed by Him through your radio station and give or pray as you feel led.
God willing we will have another anniversary next year and share your story or the story of someone changed forever because you helped bring His story into their life.

- Thank you and many blessings, from Bill and the CHRI team.


From a listener:
8 years ago our family was going through a very difficult time. While driving with my then 5 year old daughter, I was calling out to God silently from the depths of my heart when a song came on CHRI that spoke directly to our very personal situation. My little Madeleine cried out “Mommy!! This song is from Jesus to you!!”
I was already weeping out loud as I knew this to be true! I had never heard that song before and have not heard it since. God has used your station in the most beautiful ways in our family. Thank you.

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"I just want to say thanks for playing these amazing songs day after day. I know if it wasn't for the songs I hear on your station I'd be in a very dark place right now. I know I am not the only one out there that has experienced this but you guys change lives including mine." - Nick

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