Family Radio CHRI

Memorize Scripture With Your Kids

seedsworshiplogoThere is hardly an age too young to start planting God's word into your heart. Today's 99+1 Days idea was contributed by a CHRI listening family, the Bougies (many thanks!!). Seeds Family Worship creates Scripture memory songs for kids by setting verses from the Bible to music. The Bougie family has enjoyed using their worship music to memorize God’s Word and hide it in their hearts. You can stream their songs, here.

Seeds has a library of 176 songs and 250 videos written to word-for-word Scripture that makes memorizing the Bible easy and fun. They also offer scripture memory cards for kids (or adults!), scripture backgrounds, and fun, easy family devotions!

For a limited time, you can download for free the DVD of their album “I Believe”. You can also watch all their videos for free on Youtube. They have lyrics videos and hand motions videos!

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