Global Leadership Summit Day 1
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- Category: Blog
- Published: Thursday, 18 October 2012 21:35

I took a ton of notes & have compiled them into a bullet point summary for each speaker. If you ever have the opportunity to hear any of these guys talk, do it! You will learn so much from their grace, poise & wisdom. It was honour to be able to take in a portion of all they offer.
Bill Hybels
Luke 8
- rock
- thorns
- good soil
- Keep sowing the seeds eventually you'll find good soil
- The seed is rejected 75% of the time
- Should we plant more seeds to change the ratio?
- New church flyer story
- Do my neighbours know who (the church) are?
- Should we send out flyers? Yes tell them who you are!!
- Cat story
- We have to sow WAY more seeds, different seeds!!
- Now using Alfa, put differences aside
- Lunatic fringe
- Run new experiments! Try out dreams
- If you sow the same seeds year after year and never grow and expect a difference you are insane!
- You have to be the dreamer, the risk taker, you can't fall asleep
- As a leader you set the pase
- You have to have a vision to see more trees
- Experiment with planting new seeds "tinkering"
- Everyone wins when a leader is better
360 Degree Leader
- YOU are the most difficult person you will ever leader
- The ability to energize others is one of the most important aspect of a leader!! ENERGY!!
- 6x6 strategy
- Focus on what you can do. pray about it. Ask God what he would like.
- 6 points to focus on in 6 weeks on a 6x6 card - pray over them.
- Nothing sacred but you can go hard for 6weeks & is good for goal setting.
- Don't do what you would like to do but what would actually be best for you company.
- Energy Bursts: Reorder your work day around these points.
- God made you a leader to move stuff ahead not to respond to stuff all day
- who picks this? What's the time line?
- We should set up our churches to be stronger when we leave then they were when we were apart of them.
Here to there
- build the case against here before you paint the picture of there
- We loose the most energy in the middle. Important to keep the vision going.
- There's nothing like a local church when a local church is working
- Be thankful the great leaders in your life you have influenced you
- Have you thanked God recently for the privilege of being able to lead something recently?
- The worst day on the water beats the best day on the land.
- Enjoy everyday you get to lead b/c it will be over in a blink
Condoleezza Rice
- Ceausescu Moment
- Universality of freedom
- Basic rights for everyone (seeing this in the middle)
- Freedom & democracy are different
- Democracy is the instituting of freedom
- The strong cannot exploit the weak & this is not just the work of government
- Democracy is only as strong as its weakest link, we must cary others along
- Every life is worthy & is capable of greatness & we have a responsibility to make sure that opportunity is there
- No kings & queens in democracy
- Christians go beyond the law
- Delivering compassion has to be done by people who feel every life is worthy
- Story of Bush telling aids orphan God is good & he replied all the time
- The best thing you can do for a person is to give them control of their own future & this done by education
Leading others
- Be optimistic but how?
- keep perspective how hard it is there has been some HARD times in the past
- you must do the hard work in today's headlines for histories judgement
- It's a privilege to struggle
- You are driven to your knees because you have no where else to go
- Romans 5
- some how things that seem impossible some how seem innevable when you look back
- leaders work for the world they want not the world they see
Patrick Lencioni
Organizational Health
- to maximize the organization it has to be healthy
- south west airlines is great not b/c their smart but because their healthy
- cohesive leadership team at the top
- clarity, intellectually aligned
6 critical questions:
- Why do we exist?
- effects decisions you make
- What's your mission statement
- How do we behave?
- must make sense
- core values - what are they?
- something your willing to get punished for
- What do we do
- How will we succeed
- Strategy: accessible to everyone the mired of intentional decisions you make
- 3 anchors to make decisions a science not a guess
- What is most important right now
- Who will do what?
- if your people cant do a good impression of you when you’re not around, you’re not communicating enough
- Organizational health should be a standard
Craig Groeschel
- Bring a friend Sunday
- Speakers if you forget what you were going to say repeat what you just said & walk back to your notes
- If you're not dead you are not done
- You've still got a lot to give
- As you mature your best days are before you
- Don't fear the younger generation
- Young people often think small
- Don't just delegate tasks b/c you will only create followers. Delegate authority to create leaders
- Authenticity beats cool every time
- You can be a spiritual parent to those who come behind you Psalm 71:8
- What is the one word that describes 20-something's? Entitled
- The generation is very protected!
- You overestimate what you can do in the short run but underestimate what you can do in the long run?
- showing honour publicly equates to statues privately
- We need to learn to honour God for who he truly is
- Respect is earned but honour is given. Honour values, builds up, loves. Faithfully honour those above you.
- Create ongoing feedback loops between those who are older and those who are younger
- Create specific mentoring moments
- Create opportunities for significant leadership development
- The most cause driven generation
- You don't want a job you want a calling
- You don't want money you want to make a difference
- You can make a difference if you humble yourself
- Let us stand together for the glory of Christ & make his name known
John Ortberg
- You can't even look at a map without being reminded of Jesus
- Eugene Peterson (The Message) bullying story
- Jesus has been the dominant figure in Western culture for 20 centuries
- You have to ask who was this man?
- To often we argue about Christianity & don't marvel at Jesus
- Jesus is the least likely candidate to change the world
- Jesus gave the world it's most influential movement; the church
- Community
- Brings random people together
- Jesus changed how we think about history
- King of kings, Lord of Lord
- We name our kids Peter & Paul &our dogs caesar & Niro
- Dates are based on when he died
- Jesus shaped how we express compassion
- Weak & marginal were not given value
- When Children Became People (
- First hospital started by Christians
- Jesus shaped education
- Jesus taught everybody (men & women, slave & free)
- Oxford university "the lord is my light"
- 90% of US colleges started before the civil war were created in Jesus' name
- Education honours God
- Jesus revolutionized art
- Jesus changed political theory
- My kingdom is not of this world
- Jesus changed human rights and dignity
- People have value
- God of love - where did this come from?
- God is like a father
- Gal 3:28
- First expression of egalitarian
- Jesus uniquely taught love of enemies
- Turn the other
- Jesus on the cross
- Who IS this man? His work is not done
- What if the Jesus impact was bigger in the next generation then every before?