Family Radio CHRI

03-23-11 - When A Man You Love Was Abused

when-a-man-you-loveFor all women who know and love a survivor of sexual assault, best-selling author Cecil Murphey has penned an honest and forthright book about helping the man in your life survive--and thrive--despite past abuses.  Click here to listen to Brock's interview with Cecil Murphey author of "When A Man You Love Was Abused" from this week's 9:00am Wednesday Bookmark, brought to you by Salem Storehouse!    



20% off! Call 613-727-0203 to reserve your copy or visit Salem Storehouse (1558 Merivale Rd, 839 Shefford Rd or 315 Lisgar St)  Offer only valid for one week from the interview date. 


One in every six males has experienced unwanted or abusive sexual experienced before the age of sixteen. The myriad of lasting effects are as varied as the men themselves and can have a devastating impact on future relationships. Yet while so many must deal with it,few are talking about it. Until now.


Writing with the empathy that only a true survivor can convey, New York Times best-selling author Cecil Murphey has written and honest and forthright book about surviving—and thriving—despite past abuses. Both informative and highly practical, "When a Man You Love Was Abused" will help you understand the continuing problems that survivors may encounter but are unable to express, including hurtful memories, issues of self-worth, and the need to feel in control. Whether the survivor is your brother, father, son, boyfriend, or husband, you will find strength and encouragement from the balanced mix of statistics, personal insight, and inspirational stories from other survivors.

A powerful, compassionate, and timely tool, "When a Man You Love Was Abused" offers the strength men need to confront the past—and the encouragement women need to help them recover and heal.

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