Family Radio CHRI

One Month to Live

one_month_to_live.jpgTired of a resolution that takes a whole year? Here's one that only takes 30 days! On April 1st, Brock interviews Pastor Kerry Shook, co-author of "One Month to Live" on the Weekly Author Interview sponsored by Salem Storehouse!


Click here to listen to the interview and to find out how you can get a copy for 20% off!




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This book is available upon request at Salem Storehouse (1558 Merivale Road, 613-727-0203)

Offer only valid for one week from the interview date.



What if you only had one month to live? How would you make each day meaningful? How would you relate to others differently? What would you do to make the rest of your life really matter? 


With eye-opening insights and soul-inspiring truths, New York Times Bestselling book "One Month to Live" will challenge you to embrace the life God has entrusted to you and you alone, and to live it out moment by moment with wholehearted authenticity, honesty, and integrity.


Each of One Month to Live’s 30 chapters—one for every day in a life-changing month—offers fresh strategies for overcoming habits that mire Christians in mediocrity. These strategies come to life through uplifting make-it-count moments, inspiring quotations, colorful true stories and questions for reflection. Readers examine how they can live passionately, love completely, learn humbly, and leave boldly to create a legacy that endures for generations after they’re gone.



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