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BEST OF: The Smart Stepfamily Marriage

smart_moneyKeys to success in the blended family. Click here for Brock's interview with leading blended family authority Ron Deal on his book  "The Smart Stepfamily Marriage" on this week's "Best of the Wednesday Bookmark", brought to you by!


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Make This Marriage Last a Lifetime

Leading blended family authority Ron Deal and marriage and family expert David Olson show you how to build on your relationship strengths and improve your weaknesses. Whether you're dating, engaged, a young stepfamily, or an empty-nest couple, The Smart Stepfamily Marriage gives you the tools you need at any stage to create a remarriage that will last.

Each chapter of this book explores one of the key qualities of happy remarriages as identified by research. Like a GPS for your relationship, this book has built-in discussion questions that can help you and your partner discover where you are, where you'd like to be, and how to get there. The online survey gives you a report with personalized results for your relationship.

About the Authors

Ron L. Deal is founder of Smart Stepfamilies™, Director of FamilyLife Blended™, the author of The Smart Stepfamily, The Smart Stepdad, and Dating and the Single Parent, and coauthor of The Smart Stepmom. Ron is a licensed marriage and family therapist who frequently appears in the national media, including FamilyLife Today, Focus on the Family, and The 700 Club. Ron and his wife, Nan, and their sons live in Little Rock, Arkansas.


David H. Olson, PhD, is founder and president of Life Innovations, which produces a variety of products designed to build stronger marriages. A national and international marriage and family expert, Olson is professor emeritus at the University of Minnesota and the author of more than twenty books. Dr. Olson has appeared on a variety of television programs including Today, The Early Show, Good Morning America, and Oprah. He lives in suburban St. Paul, Minnesota.


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