Family Radio CHRI

A Christ-Follower's Guide to College

welcometocollegeA resource for any Christian student who wants not just to survive college but to thrive on campus as an ambassador for Christ. Read more for Care Baldwin's interview with author Jonathan Morrow on this week's Youth Wednesday Bookmark, brought to you by (Aired May 17th, 2017)




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Is there a more frightening question for a graduating high school senior than "What will you do with your life?" In college, whether they realize it or not, students will answer that question every day with each decision. All of the new friends and new experiences of higher education will shape their future. It's critical that students know how to handle college before they're in the thick of it.

Jonathan Morrow tackles the tough questions that arise during these formative years, including:

  • How do you grow spiritually?
  • How do you manage your time to both study well and have fun?
  • Is all truth relative?
  • Are there good reasons to be a Christian?
  • As a Christian, how should you view issues like dating and sex?

Each chapter of this new edition has been updated, and the author has included a new chapter on Christianity, homosexuality, and the Bible. Grounded in both his own extensive experience and biblical truth, Morrow's book is full of quick, easy-to-read chapters and excellent advice.

About the Author

Jonathan Morrow (DMin, MDiv) is the author of several books including Questioning the Bible and he speaks nationally on biblical worldview, apologetics, and culture. He is adjunct professor of apologetics at Biola University and director of cultural engagement at Impact 360 Institute where he teaches high school and college students. Jonathan is passionate about seeing a new generation build a lasting faith.


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