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Church In Society

churchinsociety 330Like much of twenty-first-century Christianity, we have been influenced by the changing society in which we live. What if we could reverse that influence so that instead of changes in society influencing us, as Christians we influenced the changes in society? Read more for Brock's non-fiction Wednesday Bookmark interview with Don Hutchinson.

Purchase "Church In Society" online here.


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Book Description: Like much of twenty-first-century Christianity, we have been influenced by the changing society in which we live. What if we could reverse that influence so that instead of changes in society influencing us, as Christians we influenced the changes in society?
The first-century writers of the New Testament reveal a Christianity that adapted within its culture--even today, we Christians look like those around us. The early Christians lived a lifestyle that influenced changes in their society until over time the cultural shape of the Western world was referred to as having a Judeo-Christian heritage.
What if instead of nostalgically looking back, like the Israelites on their journey from Egypt longing for a time that perhaps never really was, we deliberately chose to learn the lessons chronicled by Christian citizens of the first century and look forward? This book is about looking forward to a future neighbourhood, city, nation, and world influenced by the way we live our lives, person by person, Christian by Christian, congregation by congregation, denomination by denomination, as the Church in society.

About the Author: Don Hutchinson is a husband, father and grandfather who graduated from Queen’s University in Kingston and the University of British Columbia Faculty of Law a long time ago. Don is a strategic thinker and planner who has been a member of the Law Society of Ontario since 1990. Don is a recipient of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for his contributions to Canada in promoting freedom of religion and development of public policy.


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