Family Radio CHRI

On The Spectrum

onthespectrum 330Have you, or someone you know, been diagnosed with an Autism diagnosis? Are you wondering how neurodiversity can fit with the Christian faith? Replay Brock's Wednesday Bookmark interview with Daniel Bowman Jr. 

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Book Description: On the Spectrum debunks myths with a realistic yet hope-filled deep dive into the heart, mind, and life of a Christian. Daniel Bowman, a novelist, poet, and professor, received an autism diagnosis at age thirty-five after experiencing a time of crisis in his personal and professional life. For him, the diagnosis shed light on his experience in a new, life-giving way. In this captivating book, Bowman reveals new insights into autism, relationships, faith, and the gift of neurodiversity.

Rather than viewing autism as a deficiency, Bowman teaches readers--through stories of his heartbreaks and triumphs--authentic ways to love their neighbors as themselves, including their autistic neighbors who are fearfully and wonderfully, if differently, made.

About the Author:

Daniel Bowman Jr. is the author of A Plum Tree in Leatherstocking Country and On the Spectrum: Autism, Faith, & the Gifts of Neurodiversity.

His work has appeared in several anthologies and in The Adirondack Review, American Poetry Journal, Art House America, Books & Culture, Cha: An Asian Literary Journal, The Cresset, Christianity Today, Image Journal’s Good Letters, The Midwest Quarterly, The Northern Agrarian, The Other Journal, Pyrta, Rio Grande Review, Saint Katherine Review, Seneca Review, Volume 1 Brooklyn, and many other journals.

A New York native, he lives in Hartford City, Indiana, where he is Associate Professor of English at Taylor University, Editor-in-Chief of Relief: A Journal of Art & Faith, and faculty advisor to Students for Education on Neurodiversity (SEND).


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