Family Radio CHRI

Charlie and the Preschool Prodigal

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We so often desire to save ourselves, either through running from rules or self-righteously following them―missing the true joy and rest found in the Father’s unconditional love. In this picture book for kids ages 3–7, author Ginger M. Blomberg retells the story of the prodigal son through the eyes of wild-child Eddie and his rule-following brother Charlie.

REPLAY Care's Wednesday Bookmark interview with Ginger.

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Book Description: 

A Retelling of the Parable of the Prodigal Son

We so often desire to save ourselves, either through running from rules or self-righteously following them―missing the true joy and rest found in the Father’s unconditional love. In this picture book for kids ages 3–7, author Ginger M. Blomberg retells the story of the prodigal son through the eyes of wild-child Eddie and his rule-following brother Charlie.

Eddie decides to run away from home, taking his brother Charlie’s candy and his father’s new tie with him on his journey. When Eddie returns home feeling scared and guilty about his choice, his father is waiting for him with open arms. But Charlie, who is confused by his father’s immediately welcoming reaction, is hesitant to join in the celebration. This book, like the parable, doesn’t resolve Charlie’s story but instead invites young readers to imagine themselves in Charlie’s position―spurring thoughtful discussion between parents and children as they learn about sin, grace, and the unconditional love of the Father through his Son’s death on the cross. A TGC Kids book.

Written for Kids Ages 3–7: Accessible story accompanied by colorful illustrations to keep kids engaged
Teaches Kids an Important Life Lesson: This engaging story introduces children to the dangers of self-righteousness
Practical Approach for Parents and Guardians: A “Note to Grownups” provides advice for parents as they guide their children through the conversation of sin, grace, and the unconditional love of God
TGC Kids Series: Teaches kids biblical truths while engaging their hearts and imaginations

About the Authors:

Ginger M. Blomberg lives in the Lowcountry of South Carolina with her husband, five kids, and too many pets. She homeschools and writes regularly for the Gospel Coalition.


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