Family Radio CHRI

Let's Talk Money

07-01-22 Pause and Celebrate!

Happy Canada Day! While these past years have come with difficulties and challenges for Canadians, Dave and Reb encourage listeners on today's "Let's Talk Money" to take a deep breath today and pause to celebrate! Reb asks listeners what our families and communities would look like today if we just gave thanks for all we have been given. On this day when so many communities are celebrating with barbecues and fireworks, they encourage listeners to be intentional about setting aside time to give thanks. Dave and Reb refer to Colossians 6:7 as a source of hope, as well as a reminder that we are rooted in Christ, and as we are built up in Him, our faith will grow, and we will overflow with thanksgiving. Tune in to hear their discussion. Today's show is sponsored by More Than Enough Financial - a financial coaching, tax, and mortgage company empowering people to effectively manage their finances, while finding hope and financial freedom one day at a time. You can also listen to the financial fitness seminar led by Dave and Reb by going to these links: Financial Fitness Seminar link, or for a shorter version Debt Snowball link. To order Reb's e-book, audio book, or soft-cover copy of Cultivating Trust: Finding God's Hope and Freedom for Your Finances, go to or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., to arrange a pick-up from their Ottawa office.

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