Family Radio CHRI

Let's Talk Money

10-27-23 The Problem of Addiction (Part 2)

“The currency of heaven is not a dollar bill, but human hearts.” And so friend and pastor Jon Ruby speaks to the solution of addiction in the second of a two-part series on “Let’s Talk Money with Dave and Reb”. On episode #350, the pastor of Ottawa's Union City Church brings a message of challenge and hope discussing the critical issues around addiction and the not-so-simple solution of abandoning one’s life to Christ.

You don’t want to miss the invitation to work through the Ashes to Rubies life-giving course that you can access for free just because you have listened to this episode. For the link referenced in this two part series, go to and type in the code - freelifelabyearly123 - to receive your year's free membership.

To access the LifeLab connect meeting (Ottawa) at 12pm on Wednesdays, use this zoom link:
(Zoom: 819 700 3777, Password: 979797)

Listen to today’s episode sponsored by Financial Discipleship Canada and—a ministry to the body of Christ that voices and encourages dialogue and new conversations regarding finance and discipleship. To learn how you can connect your finances to being a disciple of Christ go to To order Reb's e-book, audio book, or soft-cover copy of Cultivating Trust: Finding God's Hope and Freedom for Your Finances, go to


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