Family Radio CHRI

Life's Inside Track

11-24-23 The Playful Approach to Home Buying

We're flipping the script on the traditionally serious narrative of home buying. In this episode of LIFE’s Inside Track with the Dekker Team, we explore how a playful attitude will transform your experience of the process. Embracing a playful demeanor doesn't imply childishness or a lack of seriousness; rather, it's a strategic choice to be optimistic and to take control of your emotions. Join Ken and Yetta to learn how a joyful approach will redefine your journey for even greater financial success.

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Thank you for the SENS tickets! My husband and I were able to go with another couple, that we got to bless because of your generosity! We had an incredible time cheering, laughing together, and building relationship. Thank you for all you do to support families and the local church!" - Sarah

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