Family Radio CHRI

CHRI's 2022 Christmas Letter


Click to read CHRI's year-end letter for 2022! If you have donated to CHRI this year, keep an eye out in your mailbox for a physical copy of this letter.

Luke 2:20 - The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.

Dear CHRI Supporter,

If you think about it, CHRI is your station, your messenger, working on your behalf!

Let me explain. Your charitable work this coming year will be to reach thousands, daily with the gospel message. You’ll be doing it by assembling Bible teaching programs from some of the best and most listened to Pastors in the world and placing their messages strategically during the best times of the day and in the wee hours of the morning, so that everyone gets a chance to hear and study with them.

You’ll also curate lists of Gospel music from the world’s best Christian recording artists as well as introduce some of the most promising up and comers. And, you get to go on air and motivate those thousands who are listening at any given time, while carrying on the more mundane tasks of keeping up correspondence, planning entertaining contests and consistently producing social media content to stay engaged with the many who benefit from all the work you make possible.

Yes, this is your charity and we are merely the hands and feet that do all of the above for you and because of you. On behalf of the thousands you’re reaching this way, thank you. Please don’t lose interest because you’ve had a bad day or life is crowding out the time you have dedicated to your highly valued, radio-ministry efforts. Stay with us and we’ll always be there for you and together we will share the love of Christ, not only at Christmas but every day, all year around.

Please consider making a Christmas donation if you can, then sit back and watch all of the things that will happen in His name because of something you did!

And, enjoy your very Merry Christmas!

With loads of Christmas love, Bill & Denise Stevens and your CHRI Family of staff and volunteers.

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