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04-01-22 Real Estate Experience Counts

Have you ever found yourself buying from someone that had no first hand knowledge or experience about what they were selling? What was the cost to you? Frustration, costly mistakes, poor choices, lost opportunities and lost money. Then contrast that experience with a time when the person/company helping you was truly a skilled, solid and strategic guide because they had previously and repeatedly been down the same road they were taking you on. In this episode, you’ll discover that you don’t have to learn the hard way or the costly way when someone experienced is willing to go on this journey with you.

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03-25-22 My Mind. My Responsibility?!

Did you know that you can change your mind?! As you think, you change the structure of your brain. Does this mean we should trust our mind? Do we need to take inventory of our thoughts? In this episode, we will discuss how we can think about what we are thinking about, and learn to master our own minds in order for us to experience LIFE exponential.

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03-18-22 Investing Here or There?!

Have you considered that investment properties don’t have to be limited to your city, province or country? Have you pondered the idea of investing somewhere with a bit more heat? In this episode, we discuss how investments near or far can have a positive impact on your life and wealth now and in the future!

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03-11-22 Friendships Come In Various Types?

Do you have an inner circle of people you do life with? How do you determine who is in your inner circle? How do you know if someone is an acquaintance over a friend, and why does that matter? In this episode, we will discuss how we can identify the people in our life and why this will help us thrive in life. Because these days even many introverts are feeling more isolated and discounted than they would prefer. They too are ready to be energized and invigorated through relationships.

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03-04-22 Buying the Best of the Best

Is it your time to own the BEST? What are the most important characteristics in determining the ideal space for you and your family? What is a make or break for buying a home? In this episode, we discuss essential ways that will help you break down the most important elements in choosing your BEST home!

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