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12-17-21 Optimally Winning in Wealth with a Clear Vision

Do you long to have better finances? Do you aspire to become passionate about your work? Do you desire to gain knowledge about money? Building wealth doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a process that takes drive, and passion. In this episode, we will discuss tips and tricks on planning for your financial future so you can live successfully while your money grows successfully too.

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12-10-21 Who’s in Your Whoville with You?

Do you ever struggle in your relationships? Are you challenged with creating appropriate boundaries with your friends or clients? Do you desire mentorship relationships that will grow you in exponential ways? We as people are like elevators, they either take you up or down. In this episode, we will discuss and we’ll learn together, helpful strategies to determine how to best manage and navigate our relationship circles. You’ll be creating even greater vitality, success and love infusing harmony into your LIFE and theirs.

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12-03-21 Is an Address Change in the Air?

Have you experienced significant changes in your home, family, and community over the last two years? Has your dream home suddenly become your worst nightmare? Do you struggle knowing when the best time to make a change is, especially when it comes to moving? We all struggle with the idea of changing. Often, we forget how good and healthy it can be for us. In this episode, we will help you determine the best time for crucial changes, like moving, so you can live in even greater vitality, success, love and have harmony throughout our life.

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11-26-21 I’m Doing Everything to Get Energy and It’s Draining Me...

Have you ever found yourself doing everything you can to get energy and decided this doesn't work? Have you decided I am too tired to move? The only thing I have energy for is mindless scrolling or maybe a movie? Then find yourself even more exhausted than you were before. Tune in to learn how to shift your exhaustion into the spark that ignites your energy. Learn how you can forget about your body just like you did when you were a kid and your parents said "go out and play."

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11-19-21 My Debt is Too Great...Building Wealth is Unthinkable

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to be able to get out of debt quickly and build financial wealth just as quickly. Have you ever thought it doesn’t make sense that I struggle with money because I know I earn at least as much. That was certainly true for both Ken and Yetta. They decided enough was enough and began studying the habits, beliefs and choices of the wealthy, especially those that got there without being born into it. Because success leaves clues in this episode we’ll explore the result of picking up the clues and taking action. Good things are assured to happen.

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