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02-25-22 Healthy Habits or Hurtful Habits?

Many of the most effective and helpful habits are built by choosing what you want MOST, over what you want NOW. Are you maintaining habitual rituals that are serving you, or wasting your time? Do you need to re-evaluate the habits you have built in your life? In this episode, we will learn about the power of habits, how we can maintain them, and how investing your time in the RIGHT habits is worth the effort. We all have habits that cause us to do pretty much everything we do and together we can have the BEST ones.

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02-18-22 Time Is Money?

How important is time when it comes to growing your investments? What's the big deal about having the right realtor on your side? In this episode, we discuss the factors that affect the timeline when it comes to buying, selling and investing. It is about having the right team, asking the right questions and preparing to make the wisest decisions at the right time.

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02-11-22 I’m All Ears, or Am I?

Do you find that you struggle with connection in your relationships? Do you feel like you aren’t being heard by those around you? Do you feel a willingness to listen to others? In this episode, we discuss the complexities of communication in relationships and how we can learn to infuse harmony and LIFE exponential with those around us.

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02-04-22 Going Once…Going Twice…Sold!

Times are changing and so are the regulations governing trading in real estate. Have you wondered about how open bidding, auctions and sealed bids impact you? Whether the property you are selling or buying is for your own personal use or specifically for investing the new regulations are likely to affect you. In this episode, we will cover changes that are coming down the pipeline so you can be certain how to BEST move forward in your REAL Estate journey with even greater confidence.

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01-28-22 How Investing in You Will Grow Your Bank Account

Have you heard it said that “Your wealth only grows to the extent that you do?". Mindset is the biggest obstacle Sean and Roz had to change. Not only did they become avid learners by reading and listening to lots of great content, they also became avid about unlearning habits and behaviours that were holding them back. Tune in and learn how you might also learn new skills that move you powerfully forward.

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